Importance Of Chargeback Report – When it comes to business, the data and services are needed to be organized. This is because one needs to keep a record of everything from revenue to product to the number of chargebacks. If you have a business that accepts credit card payments then there sure will be some chargebacks.
If this is the case then you need to create chargeback reports every month. If things are still not clear then in this article will enlighten you with the Importance Of Chargeback Report.
If you are connected to a chargeback management company and think tha all your chargeback issues are taken care of, then you may be wrong. You need to keep an eye on each of your chargeback reports, monthly.
What Is A Chargeback Report?
A chargeback involves various parties- Cardholder, Merchant, Issuers Bank, Acquirer Bank, and Card Network. A chargeback goes through the system of each of the entity mentioned above.
This is when you need the Chargeback Report. A chargeback report contains the flow of money and mentions the stage where the things went wrong leading to a chargeback. A merchant can create his own database logging the details of each chargeback occurred in the business.
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What Does A Chargeback Report Contain?
According to chargeback expertz, a good chargeback report contains the following details:
- Transactions Details (Amount, Mode of Payment, Customer’s Information)
- Chargebacks (Chargeback Amount, Reason of Chargeback, Time Frame to resolve the Chargeback)
- Representments
- Pre-Arbitration
- Finally, Chargeback Reason Code
Creating and maintaining chargeback report costs effort, time, and resources to collect and analyze the data. However, some merchants choose not to put much time and resource, which leads to an incomplete report.
If you look closely then you will find that the above mentioned details can help a merchant analyze the chargeback occurring in their business. Let’s discuss further to understand the Importance Of Chargeback Report.
What Is The Importance Of Chargeback Report?
A well-composed chargeback report can actually help evaluate the pattern of the chargeback occurrence. Furthermore, you can study the pattern to finally assess risks.
This is how chargeback experts help merchants to minimize the number of chargeback in their business. If the data from chargeback report is assembled and filtered carefully, it can actually result in merchants to:
- Prepare Chargeback Alerts
- List Win-Chargeback Report
- Calculate the Number of Representments resulted in merchants favor
- Report the number of days of a month rich in chargeback
- Identify merchant errors
- Review the risk causing factors
- Identify areas offering most profit and loss
- Idenitify the most common chargeback reason codes in the business.
These records of a business from various months can actually help in creating a robust strategy for the business to minimize chargebacks. Being one of the best methods for chargeback management, the chargeback management companies use this method to track chargebacks.
Using the chargeback report, a merchant can easily track chargeback, formulate representment, and calculate chargeback ratio. A well-organized chargeback report can actually help:
- In predicting chargeback in upcoming months
- In creating a more effective chargeback prevention strategy
- Designing methods to recover the revenue lost due to excessive chargeback
- Finally, decreasing the frauds caused in the name of chargeback
Once you start, the techniques will start building up automatically. And, with the constant approach chargebacks will not scare you anymore.
However, it is recommended for the merchant to always use the best business practices and avoid being involved in any frauds. The chargeback laws are quite strict and can cost a merchant his business.
This article would have helped you understand the Importance Of Chargeback Report. In short, managing a business comes with its own challenges. Chargeback is one of those massive challenges.
However, with the help of this trategy of using chargeback report, a merchant can easily manage his chargebacks.
If you want then you can ask experts to assist you. For such services, contact Chargeback Expertz at the toll free number +1 888-901-8653. We also offer assistance to the merchant with the Chargeback Representment and Chargeback Management.