Having to deal with chargebacks on your credit card may result to a time-consuming activity. Especially for those who have online businesses. A lot of merchants face the risk of having their accounts terminated by their back if they frequently experience chargebacks. As a result, merchants can incur more cost compared to losing sales, which may eventually end up in overall business loss. For this, chargeback prevention is very important.
Things to Remember
Merchants can try to win a reversal so as to save the worth of the entire transaction. However, there is no single proven chargeback management process that can be used for winning. For this, making sure whether or not you would like to fight chargebacks is very important and often entails certain things for consideration.
For one, dispute management of a chargeback is a time-consuming, tedious, and oftentimes labor-intensive process. If the overall cost of the claim investigation and chargeback fees is bigger compared to the transaction amount. It may turn out to be less expensive not to dispute the chargeback/s at all.
Documentation is Important
Among the most important information pieces that merchants can present during a dispute is one which offers the explanation as to why the claim is unwarranted. This includes sending a confirmation e-mail right after completing each and every purchase which includes transaction details, automated invoice, terms of purchase, shipping information, how to reach out to customer service, as well as how to return an item. After shipping the item, the merchant need to send another email which contains the delivery and tracking details as much as possible.
A very important part of a chargeback defense is full documentation. Clearly established terms and conditions which explain how the business is operated, and the expectations set to the customers should be presented. Online merchants should always implement a fraud management system and chargeback prevention system, including information on how replacements, returns as well as cancellations of orders are handled, posting all of this information on the websites. As part of this process, merchants may require customers to check out a box or click an icon to acknowledge to the terms and conditions after reading them. If you have signed authorization from customer when they have made the transaction than it can most helpful paper you can present against the chargeback. You can prove that customer did authorize this transaction and the purchase before it occurred.
Understanding about Different Dispute Reasons
Every chargeback come up with a specific reason and a reason code that depends on the customer’s claim. You should have proper understanding about the various reasons of disputes. It can help you lead the chargeback case with proper documentations. Different card brads use their different terms and reason codes to determine reason of a customer’s claim. Providing accurate response to them will help you to win the chargeback. If requires you can also contact Chargeback Experts to help you to understand reasons of chargebacks.
Read more about Chargeback Reason Codes on our blogs.
Seeking Help
Another very important option is working together with a chargeback management company, who can send you the professional assistance of a chargeback expert. Take note that this is a very important investment on your end. However, with a chargeback analyst on your side, you can expect a better return since you can have the opportunity to address the dispute in a legal way, hopefully winning it in the end.
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