Fraud Prevention Guidelines for MO / TO Merchants – The MO / TO (Mail Order or telephone Order) merchants are similar to the e-commerce merchants. The customer looks at the product virtually that he/she wants, and then places the order. In the case of e-commerce, the customer enters the credit card details and makes the payment. However, in the case of MO/TO credit card purchase, the merchant enters the details of the customer by asking them.
In this case, the merchant has to follow the card not present methods to make the credit card payment. Even when the merchant follows the norms properly, some issues remain that cause inconvenience to both merchant and customer.
This article is presented by Chargeback Expertz that will provide you with fraud prevention guidelines for MO / TO Merchants. You can read the article or you can to get a chargeback expertz for more details. Call at the toll-free number +1 (888) 901-8653 or visit chargebackexpertz.com.
The Correct Method to Make Credit Card Payments for MO / TO Merchants
Then is the list of details that can help you avoid any fuzz in the future:
- Authorization – This is the most important aspect when making the card not present payments. This means the issuing bank allows you to make the payment on behalf of the customer.
- Card Expiration Date – The merchant can ask for the expiry date of the credit card written on it. If the merchant gets an invalid or missing error then it is possible the customer does not have the card at that moment.
- Address Verification System – AVS helps verify the geographical location of the customer and reviewing it with the database to ensure the customer is genuine.
- Card Security Code – The Card security code can be the 3 digit pin which is visible at the back of the card. This can be used to verify that the customer was in possession of the card while making the payment.
- Transaction Screening – You as a merchant can take help from the third party organization to screen out the customers who have previous records of various frauds.
If you find any customer not fulfilling any of the above points then you should get prepared for a potential fraud. If you detect a potential fraud then you need further Fraud Prevention Guidelines for MO / TO Merchants to deal with it.
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Deal with Potential Fraud Transaction
If your database alerts you about a potential fraud or a high-risk customer then you can try any of these methods to deal with it.
- Call the customer – While making the purchase, the customer must have provided you with the contact number. You can call at the number to ask questions related to the purchase to ensure the transaction was genuine.
- Confirm the Order with the Customer – Send the confirmation letter to the card’s billing address, not to the delivering address.
- Code 10 Call – By making a code 10 call the merchant will get the necessary details to verify the customer or transaction, and the merchant will also get the details of the fraud if occurred.
Using these preventive measures, you can surely dodge most of the frauds caused in MO / TO industry. This Fraud Prevention Guidelines for MO / TO Merchants can be very effective if followed clearly. For more information, you can contact Chargeback Expertz at the toll-free number +1 (888) 901-8653.
Frequently Asked Questions – Chargeback Expertz
- How to make a MO payment?
- Carry out MOTO transaction credit card
- What to do when card not present?
- MO payment meaning?
- What’s the difference between MOTO and e-commerce
- Give examples of card not present transaction
These are the queries of our callers that are related to “Fraud Prevention Guidelines for MO / TO Merchants”. If you have the same questions then feel free to get to an expert. Call Chargeback Expertz at the toll-free number+1 (888) 901-8653 or chat via Skype. We also provide assistance to with Chargeback Management and Chargeback Representment.