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Discover Reason Code UA11

Discover Chargeback Reason Code UA11: Swiped Card Transaction – No Cardholder Signature Obtained


The UA11 is the sub-Reason Code of UA10, assigned by Discover Card Network where a dispute initiated as a UA10 Retrieval Request and Discover Card Network finds that the transaction receipt provided by the merchant required cardholder’s signature that was not taken at the time of purchase.

Most Common Causes
  • Merchant did not provide signature of the cardholder on transaction receipt submitted to Discover Card Network.
  • Cardholder finds the credit card sale as fraud.
  • Merchant did not obtain the authorization from the cardholder during processing the transaction at POS terminal.
  • Credit Card imprint is not legible and/or does not having all the security features.
Evidence Required
  • Merchants or acquirers must send response documentation within the timeframe.
  • Merchant should send signature of the cardholder on the requested transaction documents.
  • Transaction Documentation that includes a full and legible print of all security features required to be embossed on the Card and a valid, legible sign of the Cardholder or an Authorized User.
  • Merchant should obtain cardholder’s authorization at the time of sale.
  • Merchant should obtain cardholder’s signature at the transaction receipt
  • If electronic machine or the terminal cannot recognize/read the card’s magnetic stripe, request authorization by key entering the account number. Be sure the key-entered account number matches the account number on the card. Use a manual printer to print the information from the face of the card at the order receipt that is signed by the cardholder.
  • Suppose your terminal is not working, ,call your center for authorization approval and mention approval code on the order receipt in the space provided. Use a manual printer to print the information from the face of the card at the order receipt that is signed by the cardholder.
Common Examples
  1. Linda goes shopping with her friends. She makes a stop at an ice cream place where she offers to buy ice cream for all the friends. The cashier charges her with the amount but forgets to take her signature on the receipt, also, Linda refuses the copy of the receipt. After a few days she completely forgets that she treated all her friends and is shocked on seeing such a big amount on her bank statement from an ice cream place. So—she contacts her bank and upon their decision, they put a dispute under the Reason Code UA11: Swiped Card Transaction – No Signature Obtained.
  2. George visits a restaurant with his friends on a weekend. He has a good time, pays the bills and leaves. He forgets to sign the merchant copy and leaves the restaurant. George forgets about the night and that he paid the entire bill. He puts a dispute on the charge. Georges bank requests the merchant to give the receipt with his signature, however, upon failure to provide such evidence, the issuer bank puts a chargeback on the merchant under the Reason Code UA11: Swiped Card Transaction – No Signature Obtained.

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