Reason Code IC: Illegible Sales Data/ Transaction Documentation
The Illegible Sales Data Reason may be used by an Issuer for a Chargeback Request when the Issuer received unreadable Transaction Documentation or other documentation in reply to a Ticket Retrieval Request. The illegible documentation provided by the Acquirer Bank or Merchant bank constitutes compelling evidence to support the beginning of a Chargeback Request.
Most Common Causes
- Cardholder did not recognize the Card Transaction, requested a copy of the Transaction Documentation, and the copy given by the Acquirer or Merchant was not readable and does not resolve the Dispute.
- Transaction Documentation received did not contain full and readable print of all security features required to be designed on the Card if the Transaction Documentation is required to display a Card print.
- Issuer cannot collect the Card Sale amount from the Cardholder for any purpose and an illegible copy of the Transaction Documentation was given in response to a Ticket Retrieval Request.
Evidence Required
- A legible copy of the Transaction Documentation, including a Card print if required, receiving all security features required to be designed on the Card, The compelling evidence an Acquirer or Merchant may submit to Discover Network in response to an Illegible Sales Data Chargeback Request.
- Proof of showing that the Card Transaction can be posted to the Card Number informed on the Transaction Documentation.
- If the Transaction Documentation is required to display a Card print or issuer cannot receive the card transaction amount from the cardholder for any reason.
- The Merchant bank may submit the Card Sale on the correct Card Number in the resolve of the Dispute.
- Issuers may receive Invalid Card Number Disputes during the times stipulated.

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