Chargebacks are a Big problem ! Nearly all Small Businesses use some kind of CRM tool which has an option to blacklist an Online Shoplifter. Some CRM programs like OrangeCRM , Limelight, Ch
Online Retail Stores must be complaint.The website is required to be secure and must reflect the Terms and Conditions,Refund Policy and Return Policy . The website should also have a valid phone number and an email address under customer support. Alerts and Complaints are handled by our Pre-Chargeback Alert System. This includes,complaints with the Better Business Bureau,Attorney General’s office, Discover and American Express,Ethoca Fraud Alerts ,Verifi CDRN,Sales Drafts and Retrieval Requests.
Customer Service and an hour per day Social Media helps! There is nothing better than a Happy, long term customer. Consumers gain trust in companies who share training videos and other help related tools. Merchants can create Facebook Fan Pages ,Twitter Accounts , share videos on Youtube and Google+.
ChargebackExpertz database allows scrubbing of over 500,000 online shoplifters and minimize Friendly Fraud. ChargebackExpertz works with online companies who need a strong and long term risk management partner. Working with Chargegback Expertz is extremely easy. We will work with you to customize a plan tailored to your specific needs. Need help with Chargebacks? Need help with Chargebacks? Please complete our form for a Free Chargeback Analysis. We’ll Help Reduce Chargeback Fraud.
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