No Matter what Business are you dealing with you always need to analyse and review it so that you can stay updated and plan for your business accordingly. And this is the reason that its very obvious for any one to make plan and strategy for their business even while setting it up and also when your business is well set and running, so that you can easily meet the required growth rate.
While analyzing any business for sure you can do the analysis as per your own way but here our automated web dashboard comes in the picture and help you in every possible way and make your Merchant Analysis easier and more convenient. We have made and set such algorithm and integrated it with our dashboard that once you put the merchant information on it, it automatically does all the calculations and fetch the details and reports and displays everything right before you on the Dashboard.
When you get figures and statistical/graphical Report or data just on your fingertips you can easily analyse and check your Sales report, CB reports, information related to your Alerts and verdict And along with these you can get the status/health report for your all the Mids including Active, Closed, Suspended and get an idea about your total sales count, total CB count and Amount, your refund and transaction status etc, And now when you have all these information handy, you can set your strategy and your future targets and meet the required growth rate for your Business.
And trust us we always make sure that you get all these things in a seamless, user-friendly and in a most convenient way.
High Risk Merchants
Do all domestic banks see more risk in your business? Do you wish to find any credit card processing solution that offers less trading limitations towards high risk merchant? Has your current merchant been closed by the acquiring bank due to your business changes. You may find the right solution with chargebackexpertz if your answer seems positive towards any these questions.
1. High risk industries see more approvals
chargebackexpertz is of the opinion that all legitimate organizations should be able to accept credit cards over the internet. This includes organizations that have long been working in environments that never indulge in credit card processing. We serve various e-commerce industries with merchant accounts through our wide network of acquiring banks that operate internationally and across offshore sights.
2. 5 merchant account features that reflect a higher risk
- Credit cards offered by all major brands are recognized by Payehub. These brands include China union Pay, JCB, Visa, Diner’s Club and MasterCard.
- Commitment to safety and security through Maxmind, SSL Certificates and 3D Secure Processing.
- Some 40 shopping carts that have gained popularity over the past few years are recognized by our payment gateway that’s PCI compliant.
- Processing multiple currencies: A little over 160 currencies have been recognized by Payehub.
- Live technical support and customer care services: Call us or chat over the internet.
3. Factors that develop my high risk profile
- A start-up business with little or without any history of processing credit cards
- Bad history of bankruptcy and bad credit rating
- Any industry depicting higher charge ratio e.g. tourism
- Average ticket expense worth a higher amount e.g. airline ticket
- Services or products based on subscriptions e.g. online magazines
- Merchant account history following termination by any bank
- A business that conducts bulk processing
4.How to bring down my risk profile
The high sales volume of e-commerce businesses often places them under the high-risk category. By setting up different merchant accounts, you may get your risk profile lowered. In order to lower your monthly volume, your sales can be assigned to you accounts effectively when you use different accounts.
Payehub provides its merchants with the 3D secure processing option. This feature helps in lowering the risk profile of each merchant. In addition, merchants are bound to enjoy an additional backup security when they have multiple merchant accounts. Such security is truly beneficial in the event of an unforeseen termination by any acquiring bank. You may sit face to face with the Payehub representative to know more about the advantages of using different merchant accounts.